If you make a post and get dm'd by someone with the reseller tag, they are a reseller. They are all marked in yellow.is your name Papacruz in the discord with the Pokemon avatar? I wasn't sure if you are a reseller and therefore hadn't answered yet
Il modo migliore per contattarmi è tramite Discord.
Metodi di pagamento:
Paypal, Venmo, tutte le criptovalute
Metodi di pagamento:
Le commissioni cambieranno in ogni transazione in base all'importo e all'abbonamento
Riceverai la tua chiave entro 20 minuti e una volta completato ti ho aggiunto
added you on dcHello!
The best way to contact me is through discord.
Payment Methods:
Paypal, Venmo, All Cryptos
Payment Methods:
Fees will be changing in each transaction by amount and subscription
You will receive your key in 20 minutes and once the payment is complete