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PayPal Reseller - Paypal, Venmo, All Cryptos


New member
is your name Papacruz in the discord with the Pokemon avatar? I wasn't sure if you are a reseller and therefore hadn't answered yet ;)

Mr. Slave

Staff member
is your name Papacruz in the discord with the Pokemon avatar? I wasn't sure if you are a reseller and therefore hadn't answered yet ;)
If you make a post and get dm'd by someone with the reseller tag, they are a reseller. They are all marked in yellow.



Il modo migliore per contattarmi è tramite Discord.


Metodi di pagamento:
Paypal, Venmo, tutte le criptovalute

Metodi di pagamento:
Le commissioni cambieranno in ogni transazione in base all'importo e all'abbonamento
Riceverai la tua chiave entro 20 minuti e una volta completato ti ho aggiunto


New member
Hi Cruz, i've added you on discord just waiting on you accepting now looking forward to try these cheese


New member

The best way to contact me is through discord.


Payment Methods:
Paypal, Venmo, All Cryptos

Payment Methods:
Fees will be changing in each transaction by amount and subscription
You will receive your key in 20 minutes and once the payment is complete
added you on dc